How to Test If Your VPN Is Working Properly

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In an era where online privacy and security are of utmost importance, using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) has become increasingly popular. A VPN helps protect your online activities by encrypting your internet connection and routing it through secure servers, making it difficult for anyone to track or monitor your online presence. However, it’s crucial to ensure that your VPN is functioning correctly to ensure optimal privacy and security. In this article, we will discuss several methods to test if your VPN is working properly, enabling you to stay protected while browsing the web.

  1. Check your IP address: One of the easiest ways to verify if your VPN is functioning correctly is by checking your IP address. Before connecting to the VPN, note down your original IP address. After connecting to the VPN, visit any IP checking website or simply search “What is my IP” in a search engine. If the displayed IP address is different from your original one, it means that your VPN is successfully hiding your real IP and replacing it with a virtual one.
  2. DNS Leak Test: A DNS leak occurs when your computer uses the default DNS servers provided by your internet service provider (ISP) instead of the VPN’s secure DNS servers. To test for DNS leaks, there are various online tools available that can analyze your DNS queries and detect any potential leaks. Conduct a DNS leak test both before and after connecting to your VPN. If the results show your VPN’s DNS servers, it indicates that your VPN is functioning properly.
  3. Speed and Performance Test: While using a VPN, it’s essential to consider its impact on your internet speed and overall performance. Several websites offer speed test tools specifically designed for VPNs. Perform speed tests with and without the VPN enabled to evaluate any noticeable difference. Although a minor reduction in speed is expected when using a VPN due to the encryption process, significant drops in speed could indicate issues with your VPN connection.
  4. Geolocation Test: One of the primary purposes of a VPN is to mask your real location and provide anonymity. To test if your VPN is effectively changing your geolocation, visit a geolocation testing website or use online services that display your current location. Compare the results before and after connecting to your VPN. If the displayed location changes to a server location of your VPN provider, it indicates that your VPN is successfully hiding your true location.
  5. Firewall and IP Leak Test: Firewall and IP leak tests are vital to ensure that your VPN is adequately protecting your data from potential leaks. Several websites offer comprehensive firewall and IP leak tests that check if your VPN is vulnerable to IP leaks or exposed to any security threats. Run these tests while connected to your VPN to verify its effectiveness in protecting your online identity.


In an age where privacy and security are paramount, testing the functionality of your VPN becomes crucial. By following the methods mentioned above, you can ensure that your VPN is working properly and providing the desired level of protection. Regularly performing these tests will help identify any potential issues and allow you to take appropriate actions, such as switching VPN providers or troubleshooting connection problems. Remember, a reliable VPN is an essential tool for safeguarding your online activities and ensuring your privacy remains intact in an increasingly interconnected world.